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Cristovam Buarque

Education Minister of Brazil

Between 1995 and 1998, Cristovam Buarque was the Governor of the Federal District of Brasilia. Currently, he serves as Brazil’s Education Minister.

Previously, Mr. Buarque was president of the Brazilian NGO Missao Crianca which promotes education for low-income children.

He also worked at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, D.C. for six years.

He has also been a professor at Universidade de Brasilia, where he served as Rector from 1985 to 1989.

Mr. Buarque is also a leader of the Workers’ Party of the Brasilia area.

He is the author of 17 books published in Brazil and a potential candidate for President in 2002.

Articles by Cristovam Buarque

I Have A Dream

Brasilia's former governor looks at the "internationalization" of the Amazon.

November 30, 2001