Giovanni Arrighi

Professor of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University
Giovanni Arrighi is Professor of Sociology at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. His main interests are in the fields of comparative and historical sociology, world-systems analysis and economic sociology.
He has done research on processes of labor-market formation and economic development in Southern Africa and Southern Europe, on the origins and transformations of the world capitalist system, and on the stratification of the global economy.
Prior to joining the Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Arrighi was the senior research associate and executive board member of the Fernand Braudel Center and a professor of sociology at the State University of New York at Binghamton.
He has taught as professor and visiting professor at various universities including Rhodes University in South Africa, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, University of California-Los Angeles, Universit degli Studi della Calabria in Cosenza, Istituto Superiore di Scienze Sociali of the Universit di Trento, University College of Dar es Salaam, and University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland in Zimbabwe.
Dr. Arrighi has written several books and been the recipient of numerous awards, grants and fellowships. He has a Ph.D. in economics from Bocconi University, in Milan.