Heinrich Kreft

Deputy Director General for Dialogue Among Civilizations in the German Foreign Ministry
Heinrich Kreft holds the Chair of Diplomacy at Andrássy University in Budapest, Hungary, and heads the University’s Center for Diplomacy. Ambassador Kreft is a career diplomat and currently serves as Deputy Director General for International Academic and Educational Relations and Dialogue Among Civilizations in the German Foreign Ministry.
Prior to this assignment, he served as Senior Foreign and Security Policy Advisor in the German Bundestag (2006-2010). As a diplomat, he was stationed in La Paz (1988-91), in Tokyo (1991-94) and Washington, D.C. (2002-04).
In the German Foreign Ministry, he was a member of the Policy Planning Staff (in charge of the Americas, Asia and Economic Issues, 1996-2001) and Senior Strategic Analyst and Deputy Head of the Policy Planning Staff (2004-06).
In addition, he was a Visiting Fellow at The Henry L Stimson Center, the Heritage Foundation and the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. in 2001/2.