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Rachel Carnell

Rachel Carnell is professor of 18th century British literature at Cleveland State University, with expertise on the intersection between partisan politics and literary history. She is the author of “Backlash: Libel, Impeachment, and Populism in the Reign of Queen Anne,” published by University of Virginia Press.

Her first book, Partisan Politics, Narrative Realism, and the Rise of the British Novel (2006), established a link between partisan discourse and the tropes of narrative realism in early eighteenth-century novels. In researching the links between literature and politics, she became an expert on political secret history and is co-editor, with Rebecca Bullard, of The Secret History and Literature, 1660-1820 (Cambridge 2017).

Carnell is also recognized for her expertise on the Tory political satirist Delarivier Manley. She is co-editor, with Ruth Herman, of the five-volume Selected Works of Delarivier Manley (2005) and author of A Political Biography of Delarivier Manley (2008). Research for that biography was supported by a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

She holds Ph.D. in English from Boston University.

Articles by Rachel Carnell

Donald Trump: Dreaming of King James II’s Court in Exile?

Will the 45th U.S. President live out his remaining years in a comfortable palace, surrounded by fawning courtiers who pledge obedience to him as their rightful leader?

November 21, 2020

Moderation After a Divisive Election: Lessons from Britain´s 18th Century

During the reign of Queen Anne (1702-1714), Britain was as divided along partisan cultural lines as the United States is today. That history offers hope to Americans.

November 9, 2020

US Impeachment and UK Prorogation: Back to 1710

The last time an impeachment process in the U.S. and prorogation of Parliament in the UK were simultaneously in the news was in 1710.

October 10, 2019

UK: Saving the Nation from Itself by Royal Veto Power

A monarch with the temperament and selflessness of Queen Anne could save Britain from its own insanity.

February 10, 2019