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Walden Bello

Director of Focus on the Global South

Walden Bello is Director of Focus on the Global South in Bangkok, a project of Chulalongkorn University’s Social Research Institute and Professor of Public Administration and Sociology at the University of the Phillipines.

He is also chairman of the board of Greenpeace Southeast Asia — and serves on the boards of Transnational Institute (Amsterdam) and Food First (Oakland). Mr. Bello serves on the Program Board of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable development in Geneva, which provides NGOs with information on the WTO.

Mr. Bello had regular columns in Phillipine and Thai newspapers, Focus on Trade — and the Far Eastern Economic Review.

From 1990-94, he served as executive director of the Institute for Food and Development Policy (Food First) in Oakland, California. Earlier, Mr. Bello worked in Washington, D.C. as a lobbyist for democratic rights in the Phillipines.

He obtained his Ph.D. in sociology from Princeton University in 1975 — and taught at the University of California.

Mr. Bello is the author of 13 books, the latest of which is “Deglobalization: Ideas for a New World Economy” (London: Zed, 2002).

Recent work:
The Crisis of the Globalist Project and The New Economics of George W. Bush (July 2003).

Areas of interest
Regionalism and Globalization, International Financial Institutions, WTO, Alternative Security in the Asia-Pacific

Articles by Walden Bello

The Reemergence of Balance-of-Power Politics

Will ad-hoc coalitions between underdeveloped nations be enough to contain aggressive hegemons?

August 12, 2003