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China Urbanizes

China already has over 100 cities with a population that exceeds 1 million people. What’s next?

August 29, 2013

Credit: Gwoeii -

1. China plans to move 250 million people from farms to cities in the next 12 years.

2. This number of people is equal to the combined populations of 26 of the world’s largest urban areas.

3. In the early 1980s, about 80% of Chinese lived in the countryside. Today, 47% live in the countryside.

4. Officially, China has an urbanization rate of 53%. But only about 35% of the population has an urban residency permit or hukou.

5. The hukou residency document lets a person register in local schools or qualify for local medical programs.

6. An additional 17% of Chinese working in cities are classified as rural.

7. Granting full urban benefits to 70% of China’s population by 2025 would mean doubling those eligible to participate in urban benefits programs, such as housing and schools.

From China’s Great Uprooting: Moving 250 Million Into Cities by Ian Johnson (New York Times)




China plans to move 250 million people from farms to cities in the next 12 years.