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Debalina Ghoshal

Research Associate, Delhi Policy Group

Debalina Ghoshal is a Research Associate at the Delhi Policy Group. She specialises in issues pertaining to missiles, missile defence, nuclear weapons, and artillery.

Her areas of interest include nuclear security, missiles and missile defence issues and artillery. Her articles and papers have been published in various national and international publications like the Washington Quarterly, RUSI News Brief, the Independent, the Atlantic Sentinel, Strategic Review, IPCS, IDSA Commentary,, European Security and Defence Magazine, Netherlands Atlantic Association, Revue Defense Nationale, Foreign Policy Journal, The Globalist, South Asian Voices (Stimson), South Asia Defence and Strategic Review, Force and Journal of Turkish Weekly, Indian Military Review, Air Power Journal, Defence and Diplomacy, CLAWS Journal, USI Journal and many more.

Articles by Debalina Ghoshal

China’s Nuclear Opportunities in Iran

How the nuclear program controversy and deal opened West Asia to Beijing.

May 30, 2016