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Health and Education: Cuba Vs. the United States

How does Cuba compare to the United States when it comes to health and education?

July 8, 2002

How does Cuba compare to the United States when it comes to health and education?

1. Life expectancy is just about the same in both Cuba and the United States. Whether you are born in Havanna or in Miami, you can expect to live 76 years.

2. Among adult Cuban males, the mortality rate is actually lower than in the United States.

3. Cuba’s health system provides almost two times the number of physicians per 1,000 people that the United States can supply.

 Basic Health Statistics
USA Cuba Leader?
 Basic indicators
 Life expectancy at birth (years) 76 76 =
 Mortality (infants, per 1,000) 7 7 =
 Mortality (adult males, per 1,000) 150 125 Cuba
 Mortality (adult females, per 1,000) 80 80 =
 Health finance
 Total expenditures (% GDP) 13.3 9.6 USA
 Public expenditures (% GDP) 6.2 8.4 Cuba
 Health services
 Physicians (per 1,000 people) 2.7 5.3 Cuba
 Hospital beds (per 1,000 people) 4.0 5.1 Cuba

Concept by The Globalist. Copyright © 2002 by The Globalist. Data: World Bank