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Europe in 2000

What were the most interesting questions facing one of the world’s most dynamic regions in 2000?

December 25, 2000

What were the most interesting questions facing one of the world's most dynamic regions in 2000?

Europe made waves in the news many times this past year, from the EU’s attempts at integration to troubles with the euro. We take a look back at the most interesting questions facing one of the world’s most dynamic region.

How does Germany see Russia as a trading partner?

“We are not going to treat them like Angola. Russia is a potentially rich country.”

(German official, rejecting debt forgiveness for Russia)

President Putin, we’ve noticed all the time you’ve been spending lately with German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. Your comment?

“What do you want us to say? That we’re in love?”

(Russian President Vladimir Putin, after his fourth meeting in three days with German chancellor Gerhard Schröder)

Mr. Schröder, how does Germany’s relationship with Russia differ from that with the United States?

“We are intimate with the United States. With Russia, we are still trying to create a benign and stable power to the east.”

(German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder)

What is the easiest way to bring some strength back into the new Russian government?

“Strong government has an interest in having strong opponents.”

(Russian President Vladimir Putin)

Does Poland have a preference between the United States or Europe as its main strategic partner?

“We’re asked ‘Are you for America or Europe?’ It’s like choosing your mother or your father.”

(Jan Kulakowski, Poland’s EU negotiator, on the proposed European Defense Initiative)

Do Britain’s greatest interests lie with the United States or with Europe?

“I will wage perpetual war against the view that Britain should choose America rather than Europe — or Europe rather than America. It is completely and utterly counterproductive for this country.”

(British Prime Minister Tony Blair)

Are there any problems in the relationship that Germany has with the United States?

“The fact that they are still here watching over us 10 years after the collapse of the Soviet empire is a crying shame.”

(Green Party activist, on U.S. listening posts operating in Germany)

How will Europe’s further integration proceed?

“The construction of Europe is an art. It’s an art of the possible.”

(French President Jacques Chirac, at a 5 a.m. news conference at the end of the Nice summit)

How does the new economy fit into Europe?

“It is difficult as of yet to find evidence of a new economy in the euro area.”

(Wim Duisenberg, president of the ECB)

Are you satisfied with German tax relief?

“No one can talk anymore about the German disease.”

(German chancellor Gerhard Schröder, after cutting personal and business taxes)

How would you characterize entrepreneurship in France?

“All the young ones think only of starting their own businesses. It’s almost dangerous because some will certainly fail.”

(French writer Jean d’Ormesson, on young French entrepreneurs)

Is a CEO’s job still a learning process?

“I don’t think there is anyone in the world who is free of mistakes. Most certainly, I am not.”

(DaimlerChrysler CEO Jürgen Schrempp)