In Charts: Checking Up on India
A collection of charts, maps and graphs exploring India.
May 15, 2019

India is electing a new government. As the world’s second most populous nation, and an increasing economic power, the outcome of the vote has global implications.
Below is a collection of charts, maps and graphs exploring India — its economy, society and place in the world.
To go deeper, also browse our India article collection by clicking here
How India evolved since independence
India’s projected population by 2050
GDP growth of Indian cities
Pollution in India’s cities
Water demand in India
The state of education in India
How much India spends on R&D
How many satellites are launched from India
India’s fastest growing industries
India’s ship scrapping industry
India’s arms imports
India’s busiest airports
The cost of food in India
A collection of charts, maps and graphs exploring India.