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U.S. Jobs: We Care – and Excel

What does the U.S. Commerce Secretary have to say about the U.S. job market?

October 15, 2003

What does the U.S. Commerce Secretary have to say about the U.S. job market?

A U.S. economic malaise? Not if you ask Commerce Secretary Donald Evans. He sees the Bush Administration on track to ensure U.S. economic dominance far into the future. And for any current problems, look no further than foreigners and trial lawyers. Our Read My Lips feature presents Mr. Evans’ views.

What is the Bush Administration’s overall goal for the U.S. economy?

“When President Bush evaluates our economy, he has one overriding objective — protecting and expanding the American Dream.”

How is the administration accomplishing this?

“Here is our commitment: This administration will not rest until every American who is seeking work finds a job.”

What are some of the domestic impediments to achieving this goal?

“Unless the indirect costs — junk lawsuits, health care and energy — are brought into line, our historical advantages in productivity and innovation won’t be enough to keep American manufacturers competitive.”

How have frivolous lawsuits played into this?

“While manufacturing workers are losing their jobs, the bank accounts of plaintiff attorneys are skyrocketing.”

What is the Bush Administration doing to help the plight of U.S. manufacturers?

“We’re creating an Assistant Secretary of Manufacturing to focus on the needs of American manufacturers.”

Isn’t the current state of American manufacturing due to increased competition from abroad?

“Americans are willing to compete, on even terms, with any country in the world — but we will not stand for unfair competition.”

Why is free and fair competition important to the United States?

“We strongly believe that fair competition is at the strategic center of both our success and our economic might. Competition leads to innovation. Innovation improves productivity. Greater productivity expands economic growth. And growth improves the standard of living, leading to a better quality of life for all.”

Do you believe that all countries should have these same opportunities?

“We strongly advocate free-market principles and sound fiscal and monetary policies — so that other countries can achieve higher living standards.”

How would you apply this to a country like China?

“It is strongly in the interests of the global economy that China creates an economic system that is more dynamic, growing, transparent — and one that allows capital to flow freely in response to market forces.”

What is the United States doing to ensure this takes place?

“We will work to ensure that China honors the commitments it makes.”

Why is it important that China goes through with these measures?

“Along with the United States, China accounts for most of the current growth in the world economy.”

What role do you see for the United States in the global economy?

“We have the freest, most competitive, most productive and largest economy in the world. We lead the world. And one of our responsibilities is economic leadership.”

Why do you believe America will retain this role in the future?

“We have the hardest working, most productive, highest quality workforce in the world.”

How do you believe others see the United States?

“Our economy — and the productivity or our workers — are the envy of the world.”

What is the track record of American entrepreneurs in the global economy?

“Americans working in the spirit of Franklin, Bell, Deere, Edison, Ford, Dell and Gates have transformed the world — and raised global living standards.”

Why do you believe that this will continue?

“We’re a can-do nation, a nation of winners.”

These excerpts are drawn from a speech given by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Don Evans to the Detroit Economic Club, September 15, 2003