The Globalist’s Top 10 Books of 2016
The ten best books on key global issues we presented on The Globalist Bookshelf this year.
December 25, 2016

1. Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization by Branko Milanovic (Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press, 2016)

Can Inequality Be Reduced? | What are the realistic options to tackle the scourge of crass inequality in rich welfare states?
2. Choked by Pallavi Aiyar (Juggernaut App, 2016)

3. Crouching Tiger: What China’s Militarism Means for the World By Peter Navarro (Prometheus Books)

Vietnam Dangles at the Tip of the Chinese Spear | South China Sea islands are arguably ground zero in any potential war between China and Vietnam.
4. Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization By Parag Khanna. Reviewed by Sanjeev S. Ahluwalia. (Random House)

Connectography: Mapping the Global Network Revolution | Parag Khanna’s latest book brings together masses of information anecdotally in a narrative format.
5. Failure to Adjust: How Americans Got Left Behind in the Global Economy By Edward Alden (A CFR Book. Rowman & Littlefield)

America’s Home-Made Raw Deal for Workers | Successive U.S. administrations have said the right things on helping workers deal with globalization, but not acted.
6. Modi Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of India’s Prime Minister By Sreeram Chaulia (Bloomsbury India)

How Modi Mobilizes the Indian Diaspora | Overseas Indians are central to the Indian Prime Minister’s larger strategic objective of turning India into a leading power on the world stage.
7. The “Conspiracy” of Free Trade By By Marc-William Palen (Cambridge University Press)

Trump and the Return of American Economic Nationalism | How the nineteenth-century battle between free trade and protectionism shaped the global economic order.
8. Age of Discovery: Navigating the Risks and Rewards of Our New Renaissance By Ian Goldin and Chris Kutarna (Bloomsbury)

Future of Globalization: Why the Renaissance Mindset Matters So Much | What happens if there is no fair distribution of gains and losses? A Renaissance lens could have brought this risk into focus much sooner.
9. Perilous Interventions: The Security Council and the Politics of Chaos By Hardeep Singh Puri (HarperCollins India)

Yemen as a Saudi Target | A book about the use of force, the arming of rebels and the unraveling of countries.
10. The Turbulent World of Middle East Soccer By James M Dorsey (Oxford University Press)

The “Boytrap”: When the Islamic State Goes to Play Soccer | With mosques under surveillance, IS turns to soccer for recruitment.
Special Mention: Babies and Bylines: Parenting on the Move by Pallavi Aiyar (HarperCollins India, 2016)

Babies and Bylines in a Globalized World | What is identity for children raised globally, by international couples?