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The Globalist in the Global Media 2017

Appearances by The Globalist’s staff and contributors are available here. Editors who are interested in publishing commentaries that have appeared on The Globalist or in syndicating our content should contact us.

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Op-ed by Michael J. Brenner

Russia in the American mind | December 26, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Russia in the American Mind

Op-ed by Thomas J. Duesterberg

Japan | The Japan Times
5G: China’s dream to dominate world technology | December 25, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as 5G: China’s Dream to Dominate World Technology

Op-ed by Michael J. Brenner

How “globalization” became a modern-day insult, and why it’s important | December 24, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Deconstructing Globalization

Op-ed by Richard Phillips

The Republican crime syndicate takes control | December 6, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as The Republican Crime Syndicate Takes Control

Op-ed by Martin Hutchinson

Börsenroulette mit Blue Chips | December 6, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as When Boeing, AT&T, Verizon, GE, HP and Apple Fall Like Dominoes

Op-ed by James M. Dorsey

Sri Lanka | Daily Express
Transition in the Middle East: Transition to What? | November 5, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Transition in the Middle East: Transition to What?

Op-ed by Shihoko Goto

Japan | The Japan Times
Arms sales push may further Trump-Abe bromance | November 7, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Arms Sales Push May Further Trump-Abe Bromance

Op-ed by Jeff Faux

Donald Trump is no isolationist | November 5, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Trump: No Isolationist

Op-ed by Chas W. Freeman

Schattenboxen im Pazifik | November 3-5, 2017

Op-ed by Denis MacShane

Gefakte Brexit-Gründe | November 1, 2017

Op-ed by Peter Morici

Japan | The Japan Times
Can EVs sow the seeds of Detroit’s comeback? | PDF October 24, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as E-Vehicles: Detroit’s Comeback Story?

Op-ed by Shihoko Goto

Dynamisch, aber rückständig | October 16, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as East Asia’s Challenge: Resisting Hyper-Nationalism, Not Globalization

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Reise ans Ende der Nacht | October 6, 2017

Op-ed by Denis MacShane

Japan | The Japan Times
Europe’s populist revolt: A close up, October 3, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Europe’s Populist Revolt: A Close Up

Op-ed by Robert J. Shapiro

How Trump and Democrats could cut a deal on taxes | September 28, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as How Trump and Democrats Could Cut a Deal on Taxes

Op-ed by James M. Dorsey

Sri Lanka | Daily Express
Toward Kurdish Independence? | September 25, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Toward Kurdish Independence?

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

分析│默克尔究竟是政治奇才,或只是德国的“麻醉师”? September 22, 2017

Op-ed by James M. Dorsey

Japan | The Japan Times
Moving Toward Kurdish Independence, September 21, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Toward Kurdish Independence

Op-ed by James Kotroczo

Why I won’t vote unless things change | September 19, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Why I Won’t Vote Unless Things Change

Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir

The US has to accept North Korea as a nuclear power | September 15, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as The US Has to Accept North Korea as a Nuclear Power

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Hillary: The Perfect One | September 14, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Hillary: The Perfect One

Op-ed by Holger Schmieding

It’s Crunch Time in Paris | September 2, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Crunch Time in Paris

Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir

Dear Donald Trump: This is Why You Should Resign | September 1, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as An Open Letter to President Trump

Op-ed by Meghnad Desai

The Space Trump Fills in America’s Racial Politics | August 31, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as The Space Trump Fills in America’s Racial Politics

Op-ed by Holger Schmieding

Real Clear World
Crunch Time in Paris | August 31, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Crunch Time in Paris

Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir

Trump’s “new” strategy in Afghanistan is doomed to fail | August 26, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Trump’s “New” Strategy in Afghanistan Is Doomed To Fail

Op-ed by James M. Dorsey

The two faces of the Gulf crisis: Arms race | August 26, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as The Two Faces of the Gulf Crisis: Arms Race

Op-ed by Steven Hill

Future of work and the survival of the welfare state | August 23, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Future of Work and the Survival of the Welfare State

Op-ed by Denis MacShane

Wenn Fakten egal sind | August 18-20, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Brexit: The Tories’ Battle Against the Economic Facts

Op-ed by Greg Austin

President John Kelly? Trump’s Yeltsin Moment | August 14, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as President John Kelly? Trump’s Yeltsin Moment

Op-ed by Philip Bowring

Tillerson in Asia | August 14, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Tillerson in Asia

Op-ed by John Bruton

A Visit to the Brexit World | August 12, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as A Visit to the Brexit World

Op-ed by Chas W. Freeman

Avoiding War With China | August 11, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Avoiding War With China

Op-ed by Dirk Helbing

How To Make Democracy Work in the Digital Age | August 10, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as How To Make Democracy Work in the Digital Age

Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir

Ending Iraq’s Humanitarian Crisis | August 9, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Ending Iraq’s Humanitarian Crisis

Op-ed by Holger Schmieding

The Germans Follow Keynes’ Advice! | August 4, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as The Germans Follow Keynes’ Advice!

Op-ed by Mohammed Nosseir

The Challenges of Being a Muslim | August 3, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as The Challenges of Being a Muslim

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Die Welt
Uns fehlt ein Verbraucherschutz wie in den USA | August 2, 2017

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Die deutsche Auto-Kratie (The Bizarre German Auto-cracy)

Germany’s politicians undermine democracy by colluding with the German car industry’s fraudulent business practices. | August 2, 2017

Op-ed by Shihoko Goto

Japan | The Japan Times
East Asia’s Challenge: Resisting Hyper Nationalism | August 1, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as East Asia’s Challenge: Resisting Hyper Nationalism, Not Globalization

Op-ed by Einat Wilf

Der gewollte Unfriede | July 30, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Where Iran, Israel, Russia Stand United

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

The US Democrats’ Failing Turnaround Strategy | July 29, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as The US Democrats’ Failing Turnaround Strategy

Op-ed by Michael J. Brenner

“Americanism” Revisited | July 28, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as ”Americanism” Revisited

Op-ed by Alexei Bayer

Trump: Nailed on a German Cross? | July 25, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Trump: Nailed on a German Cross?

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

President Mike Pence? | July 25, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as President Mike Pence?

Op-ed by Robert M. Cassidy

U.S. Military: Too Much Tactics, too Little Strategy | July 24, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as US Military: Too Much Tactics, Too Little Strategy

Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir

Japan | The Japan Times
Afghanistan: A Morally Corrupting Catastrophe | July 24, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Afghanistan: A Morally Corrupting War

Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir

Fifty Years of Immoral Occupation | July 22, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Fifty Years of Immoral Occupation of Palestine

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Umstrittene Justizreform in Polen: Sultan Kaczynski spricht Recht | July 22, 2017

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Hase und Igel | July 21, 2017

Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir

Der heillose Normalfall | July 20, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Fifty Years of Immoral Occupation

Op-ed by Daniel Stelter

How Germany’s Current-Account Surplus Will Correct Itself | July 19, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as How Germany’s Current-Account Surplus Will Correct Itself

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Unrealistische Brexit-Erwartungen: Englands ewiger Wunsch nach der Extrawurst | July 18, 2017

Manager Magazin
Unrealistische Brexit-Erwartungen: Englands ewiger Wunsch nach der Extrawurst | July 18, 2017

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

The Liberal International Order: Just Who Shredded It? | July 16, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as The Liberal International Order: Just Who Shredded It?

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Poland | Gazeta Wyborcza
The Turkification of Poland | PDF, July 13, 2017

Op-ed by Frank Vogl

Manager Magazin
Die stille, mächtige Revolution in Brasilien | July 13, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Brazil: A Fallen Hero and the Start of a New Era?

Op-ed by Tom Clifford

China and WWII’s “Sarajevo” Moment | July 8, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as China and WWII’s “Sarajevo” Moment

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Poland | Gazeta Wyborcza
The Creeping Russification of the United States | PDF, July 6, 2017

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Japan | The Japan Times
Qatar: Is Trump Striking the Match For a Little War? | June 27, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Qatar: Is Mr. Trump Striking the Match for a Little War?

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Japan | The Japan Times
Iran and the Saudi Deflection Campaign | PDF, June 24, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Iran and the Saudi Deflection Campaign

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Angela Merkel: Die erfolgreichste sozialdemokratische Kanzlerin der Geschichte | June 21, 2017

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Give Donald Trump Credit: Europe’s United | June 16, 2017

Manager Magazin
Donald Trump: Der Mann, der Europa vereinigt | June 16, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Give Donald Trump Credit: Europe’s United

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Erdogan bei Trump: Die Türkisierung der USA: Vier Parallelen | June 16, 2017

Op-ed by Denis MacShane

Poland | Gazeta Wyborcza
May i tabloidy pokonane. Ale prawdziwa bitwa o Wielką Brytanię dopiero się zaczyna | June 10, 2017

Singapore | Singapore Business Times
And now, the battle to save Britain (from Brexit) | June 13, 2017

Thailand | Bangkok Post
It’s Time to Prepare for the Battle to Save Britain | June 13, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Prepare for the Battle to Save Britain (from Brexit)

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Theresa May und der Brexit: Zehnmal verrechnet | June 6, 2017

The Guardian
The Erdoğan of Downing Street, a Le Pen in No 10: that’s how Merkel sees May | May 4, 2017

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Die deutsche Arroganz gegenüber Frankreich | June 5, 2017

Op-ed by Philip Bowring

Japan | The Japan Times
Duterte Following in the Footsteps of Ferdinand Marcos | May 30, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Duterte Following in the Footsteps of Ferdinand Marcos

Op-ed by James M. Dorsey

Sri Lanka | Daily Express
The Muslim world’s struggle | May 29, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as The Muslim World’s Struggle to Counter Militancy

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Manager Magazin
Warum Angela Merkel und Theresa May so entzweit sind, May 29, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Theresa May’s and England’s Massive Miscalculations on Brexit

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Der Tagesspiegel
Gaulands doppeltes Eigentor | April 25, 2017

Op-ed by Denis MacShane

Rabenmutter der Nation, April 20, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as May Snap Election: A Move Toward British Disunification

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Das Ende der deutschen Illusionen | April 20, 2017

Op-ed by James M. Dorsey

Sri Lanka | Daily Express
What Trump’s Syria bombing really means | April 10, 2017

Japan | Japan Times
What Trump’s Syria bombing really means, April 12, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as What Trump’s Syria Bombing Really Means

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Die Vasallen der Vereinigten Staaten, April 9, 2017

Op-ed by Holger Schmieding

Sri Lanka | Weekend Express
Britain’s big Brexit gamble | March 31, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Britain’s Big Brexit Gamble

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Portugal | Expresso | PDF, March 29, 2017

Poland | Gazeta Wyborcz | PDF March 29, 2017

UK, The New European | PDF March 29, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Advice to our British Friends : 12 Rules on How NOT to Negotiate for a Successful Brexit

Op-ed by Denis MacShane

Sri Lanka | Daily Express
London terror and Poland’s disgrace | March 28, 2017

Denmark | Politiken
Polsk reaktion på angrebet i London er en sand skændsel (Polish reaction to the attack in London is a true disgrace) | March 28, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as London Terror and Poland’s Utter Disgrace

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Germany | Die Welt
Merkels Abgesang, March 23, 2017

Radio interview with Stephan Richter

Germany |
Treibt Trump die USA in den Ruin?

On February 8, 2017, Stephan Richter was the guest commentator on the hour-long “Focus on Politics” program on Bayern 2 (German radio), to discuss “Is Trump Driving the US Into Ruin?”

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Germany | Manager Magazin
Warum Trumps Mauerbau sinnlos ist | February 13, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Why Donald Trump Does Not Need to Build a Wall

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Japan | Nikkei Asian Review
How Turkey, China undermine future prosperity, February 7, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as How Turkey and China Undermine Their Future Prosperity

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Germany | Die Welt
So wird es nicht klappen , February 9, 2017

Op-ed by Philip Bowring

Japan | The Japan Times
Trump’s international role model? Rodrigo Duterte, February 6, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Trump’s Amazing International Role Model: Rodrigo Duterte

Interview with Stephan Richter

Germany | ZDF-Morgenmagazin
Presseschau mit Stephan Richter, January 31, 2017

Op-ed by Stephan Richter and Rogerio Studart

South Africa | Business Report
Trump should heed lessons of developing countries | PDF, January 18, 2017

India | The Economic Times
Is Donald Trump trying to restore US competitiveness using outdated concepts?, January 18, 2017

Germany | Manager Magazin
Die Trumponomics helfen China mehr als den USA | January, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as Trump Goes Brazil: Import Substitution on His Mind

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Japan | Nikkei Asian Review
The leader who attacked globalism long before Trump, January 16, 2017

Also published on The Globalist as The Leader Who Attacked Globalism Long Before Trump

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Germany | Manager Magazin
All Power to the White House? | January, 2017