Jean-Pierre Lehmann

Emeritus Professor of International Political Economy at the IMD Business School
Jean-Pierre Lehmann (1946-2017) was an emeritus professor of international political economy at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland. He also served currently a visiting professor on the Faculty of Business and Economics at Hong Kong University.
He was also a Contributing Editor at The Globalist, where he published around 60 articles. One of his all-time great articles was a six-part series “China In My Life: A Personal History.”
Previous academic appointments include Sophia University (Tokyo), Oxford, Stirling University (UK), Tohoku University (Japan) INSEAD (France), School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University (Bologna Campus), London Business School, and the Stockholm School of Economics.
In 1995, Mr. Lehmann founded the Evian Group, an international coalition of corporate, government and opinion leaders. It is united by a common vision of enhancing global prosperity for the benefit of all by fostering an open, inclusive, sustainable and equitable global market economy in a rules-based multilateral framework.
His doctoral thesis was on Japanese history and technology transfer during the period of transformation in the mid/late 19th century. He has spent most of his professional life working in and on East and South Asia. In the course of the last decade, he has also become actively involved in projects in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.
He acts in various leading capacities in a number of global public policy institutions, as an adviser to governments and corporations, on the editorial board of various journals and as a frequent commentator in the international media.
He is the author of several books and numerous articles. His latest book, co-edited with his son Fabrice Lehmann, is Peace and Prosperity through World Trade: Achieving the 2019 Vision (Cambridge, 2010). He also writes a monthly column for China Entrepreneurs Magazine.
Jean-Pierre Lehmann earned a B.S. degree at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, and his D.Phil. at Oxford University.
Photo credit: Oh Jaehyuk – World Economic Forum
Articles by Jean-Pierre Lehmann
China in My Life — A Personal Journey: The 1950s
July 1, 2021
October 2049: The 100th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China
August 29, 2019
China in My Life — A Personal Journey: The 1980s
December 29, 2017
China in My Life — A Personal Journey: The 1970s
December 29, 2017
China in My Life — A Personal Journey: The 1960s
December 29, 2017
China in My Life — China in the 21st Century
December 29, 2017
China in My Life — A Personal Journey: The 1950s
December 28, 2017
America’s Blind Infatuation with Israel
January 3, 2017
Lagarde’s Failure to Do the Honorable Thing – And Resign
December 22, 2016
From the American Challenge to the Chinese Challenge?
December 15, 2016
Illustrations of U.S. interventionism
December 15, 2016
The Collapse of the Global Trading System
May 18, 2016
South Korea/Japan: “Comfort Women” as a Political Football?
March 5, 2016
The Trump Effect on China
March 1, 2016
The Resurgence of Japanese Nationalism
July 22, 2015
United States: The Hypocritical Hegemon
June 7, 2015
China: Peaceful Rise to Great Power Status Won’t Be Easy!
May 16, 2015
TPP: Beware of the Japan Hype
April 29, 2015
70 Years of Selective History After the Pacific War
March 10, 2015
The Myth of Asia: The Absence of an Asian Intellectual Space
January 21, 2015
The Myth of Asia: Now Perpetrated By Asians Themselves
January 4, 2015
Make in India! But Can India Make It?
November 29, 2014
The Failure of Islam to Reform
September 22, 2014
Why the Military Campaign Against ISIS Will Fail
September 22, 2014
China: Radical Transformations – From Middle Kingdom to Global Sea Power
August 15, 2014
The Global Trade Impasse: The Chinese Leadership Conundrum
July 7, 2014
Europe: June 1914 Vs. June 2014
June 28, 2014
President Obama’s Pirouettes in Asia
May 1, 2014
War and Peace in Asia: There Are Always Choices
February 13, 2014
Beyond Economic Integration: European Lessons for Asia Pacific?
February 3, 2014
London and Beijing: A Polluted Tale of Two Cities
November 12, 2013
Why Some Nations Grow Fast (and Others Don’t)
November 6, 2013
India’s Food Crises: A Close-Up
September 1, 2013
Energy Security: Asia’s Achilles Heel
August 7, 2013
China’s New Cultural Counter-Revolution
July 22, 2013
Tibet and 21st Century Water Wars
July 11, 2013
Japan: The World’s Really Lucky Country
June 16, 2013
France’s Cahuzac Affair: Not Just a National Farce
April 11, 2013
The China-Japan-Korea Triangle
March 1, 2013
Bridging the 21st Century’s North-South Divide
March 13, 2012
The Global Governance Deficit: The Theater of the Absurd
August 19, 2011
Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Atlantic Charter
August 13, 2011
Europe and the Arab World in the 21st Century
February 9, 2011
The Seven Global Economic Spheres of 2020
January 28, 2011
Asia’s Place in 21st Century Global Governance (Part II)
August 3, 2009
Asia’s Place in 21st Century Global Governance (Part I)
August 3, 2009
China in My Life — Exploring China’s Future
February 16, 2008
Business Education in the Era of Globalization
January 17, 2008
An Iran Manifesto
March 15, 2007
The EU and the Doha Dead End
May 1, 2006
The Dangers of Monotheism in the Age of Globalization
March 30, 2006
Japan Vs. China: The Other Clash of Civilizations?
January 20, 2006
Global Trade at a Crossroads
April 15, 2005
Is Turkey “Enlightened” Enough to Join the EU?
December 10, 2004
The U.S. Occupation of Japan — Four Lessons for Iraq
January 28, 2004
The Business of Corruption
August 8, 2003
Rebuilding the Mideast: Women Are Key
April 3, 2003
The World at War — Thinking the Unthinkable
March 13, 2003
Sicily: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
December 28, 2002
China, Arabs and Globalization
August 12, 2002